Jocelyn & Paul —— binational couple FR-MX

Silhouette: A-Line

Dress ID: 234908

Color: Ivory

”What’s really curious is that we knew by the time we kissed that we were meant to be. In my case, when I saw him at my front door, after flying thousands of km to follow a girl he just met and left everything he knew behind…I knew he was the one I prayed so hard for, and as I promised to Buddha, I would have no fear and would give everything of me, marriage included jaja.” Jocelyn & Paul —— a binational couple FR-MX, share their story with us.

· How did you meet?

What I’m about to tell you is a romantic backpacking story (my favourite one). By the time I met Paul, I was living in Bali, Indonesia, I started solo-traveling when I was younger and, as a way to celebrate my 26th birthday, I decided to go travelling on Myanmar. Everything went smooth and one day, I decided to take a minivan direction Kalau on Saint Valentine’s Day. And, as you might guess, that’s when the love of my life and I met. One week later, we were travelling together (the first time in my life doing so) and from that day on we have never be apart.

· What’s your best memories together?

It is hard to choose my favourite memory with him but probably it would be when we shared our belief in our love as a statement that our souls reincarnated to be together again.

· How do you work through disagreements or differences?

We have some usual misunderstandings regarding our cultural differences, even though I speak his language, it is still difficult for me to express my ideas. When this happens the first thing we need is: time. It always takes an important part of our time to explain the meaning of something we just said in both cultures… at the end we always laugh about what we understood in first place.

· Can you think of a low point in your life when the other person was there for you?

As I mentioned before, Paul has always been there for me, specially during this pandemic situation. Thanks to him my heart never felt lonely, he would always read the news and shared what was essential to know only. I was so scared and I wanted to come back to Mexico. He planed everything and dealed with my anxiety during the homecoming. He took me back home and he left everything behind just to stay with me. That has been the most amazing thing someone has ever done for me.

· How are you alike, and how are you different?

We are really alike, there’s almost nothing he likes that I don’t. Even though we come from different cultures we try to find a medium point in some traditions or activities. However, I cannot stop getting excited and scream with something I like and he wouldn’t dance in front of everybody as my culture does.

· What do you admire most about the other person?

The thing I admire the most in Paul is how affective and sweet he is with animals. He’s he kind of guy that respects every living being with no differences. This is one of the reasons I knew my heart would be safe with this man.

· What are some of the activities that you share, that maybe other people wouldn’t understand or that are unique to your relationship?

We both love outdoor; climbing and mountain bike, hiking and etcetera. We would skip bars and clubs in order to go having breakfast in a summit or go exploring in nature.

· What are your dreams for the future together?

Our dreams are to keep traveling and live half time in both countries and to buy a cabin in the woods.

· Which moment or event made you decide to get married?

What’s really curious is that we knew by the time we kissed that we were meant to be. In my case, when I saw him at my front door, after flying thousands of km to follow a girl he just met and left everything he knew behind…I knew he was the one I prayed so hard for, and as I promised to Buddha, I would have no fear and would give everything of me, marriage included jaja.

· Three words that sum up the wedding day?

3 words that sum up the marriage: dream, family and pandemic. We married thanks to a special government permission and so we could celebrate with 10 members of the family only.

· What’s your best tip for dressing for the big day to share with other brides?

About dressing… I would say: Keep it simple! You already know what style you love, let your heart speak out for the perfect wedding and don’t pick up more than 3 options! (JJ’s House, it’s a good one 😉

· What do you want to say to your love, right now?

To my love: I am so excited to start this new path with you. I am glad to know what unconditional love means know, thank you for teaching me how to love, and to made understand that I deserve any manifestation of love in my life. Thanks for being so kind and take care of me during my darkest moments. Te amo con todo mi corazón, mi amor de Myanmar.

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